Leadership Development

Leading Through Change

The rate of change in organizations today is ever-increasing. A change process can either move an organization to increased effectiveness, efficiency, and shareholder value; or a change process can have disastrous results for that same organization. How leadership handles change management is critical. This program will provide insight and skills to leaders seeking positive and productive change management in their organizations

Course Objectives

  • Define change and the nature of change in organizations today.
  • Understand how different personalities in companies react to change.
  • Learn and understand the change cycle individuals and teams experience.
  • Recognize the phases of the change cycle in others.
  • Define the leader’s role in a change management process.
  • Learn personal and management strategies to apply to an organizational change.
  • Plan communication style and strategies for leading through change.
  • Explore the application of understanding and strategies of change management through reviewing relevant case studies.
  • Learn stress management control and action planning for those responsible for leading through change and the affected team members.

Benefits for the Individual 

  • Define change and the nature of change in organizations today.
  • Understand how different personalities in companies react to change.
  • Learn and understand the change cycle individuals and teams experience.
  • Recognize the phases of the change cycle in others.
  • Define the leader’s role in a change management process.
  • Learn personal and management strategies to apply to an organizational change.
  • Plan communication style and strategies for leading through change.
  • Explore the application of understanding and strategies of change management through reviewing relevant case studies.
  • Learn stress management control and action planning for those responsible for leading through change and the affected team members.

Benefits for the Organization

  • Better results in implementing organizational change
  • Leaders in the organization who view changes as opportunities for improvement and increased productivity rather than problems
  • Less work disruption in the company due to lack of communication or miscommunication from leadership
  • Positive morale and overall team relationships from a well-handled change management process

Who Should Attend?

Anyone should attend who is a Team Leader, Supervisor, or Manager who is responsible for leading through change


One Day

The Connection Blueprint

?Effective leaders connect with their employees. One of the most effective tools for establishing these connections and building productive work relationships is the one-on-one meeting, yet this time is rarely used effectively.  

The Connection Blueprint is a valuable guide to making the most of every meeting. 

Learn more



Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Nodus’ Executive Coaching Program combines professional development expertise in a specific discipline, such as leadership development, performance management or emotional intelligence, with personal insight to challenges thinking and provides guidance.

Leadership Development Program

Leadership Development Program

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Leadership Development Leadership Development Program In today’s competitive marketplace, leadership development is essential to the success of an organization.  Companies are making it a priority to identify current and future leaders and...

Leadership Development Program

Mid-Management Leadership Program

Sending employees to Mid-Management Leadership Coaching can be viewed by team members as a bonus and a sign of significant recognition. This process is a key component of leadership talent management and can be used to develop key leadership talent skills or eliminate roadblocks.

Leadership Development Program

Supervisory Skills for the First Time Supervisor

Many individuals are promoted to the role of supervisor with little or no supervisory skills training and then are expected to deal with the many challenges that leading a team of people can involve. This supervisory skills training workshop provides individuals with the skills, and most importantly, the confidence to communicate and lead their employees for positive results.

Improving Collaboration Through MBTI

Improving Collaboration Through MBTI

In today’s fast-paced environment, everyone is called upon to work as a team. Assembling a group of people to accomplish a task does not necessarily create a team that can accomplish more than what individuals could accomplish on their own.

Delivering High Impact Virtual Presentations

Delivering High Impact Virtual Presentations

Many presentations and meetings in organizations today are not face-to-face but delivered over teleconference or video conference. Although these meetings can be cost effective, there are many challenges in communicating information virtually.

Delivering High Impact Virtual Presentations

Virtual Leadership Training

This course is for leaders of teams who are geographically dispersed either locally in separate offices, globally, through home offices, or any configuration where the team is rarely face-to-face and must conduct business meetings virtually.

Improving Collaboration Through MBTI

Accelerating Team Performance Using Five Dysfunctions of a Team

In today’s fast-paced environment, everyone is called upon to work as a team. Assembling a group of people to accomplish a task does not necessarily create team peak performance. Many times that group is unable to accomplish more as a team than what those individuals could accomplish on their own. It takes understanding of team concepts, understanding each other, and creating a commitment to work together that result in achieving synergy and team peak performance.

Improving Collaboration Through MBTI

Accountability Training Building a Culture of Engagement and Results

Accountability training is critical in today’s market place as accountability is a hot issue for organizations facing competing priorities and challenges in executing goals. This accountability training program builds a mindset for personal accountability and responsibility with a focus on accountability for results.

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Nodus President Debbie Waggoner
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