Don't Be The Bad Boss Don’t Be The Bad Boss How do you avoid being the manager your employees complain about? We all believe that when we achieve our management role, we will never do those things that our managers did that drove us crazy. (This is true in...
How Do We Keep Our Employees? How Do We Keep Our Employees? In a leadership program that I have been facilitating in 2021 we asked hundreds of people, What makes them feel like they belong? The #1 answer by far is “knowing someone at work cares about me as a person.”...
Preventing the Great Reshuffle Preventing the Great Reshuffle We are all hearing about the Great ReShuffle. One article I read recently on LinkedIn said up to 40% of our workforce is looking for a new job. So if you lost 40% of your workforce, how would that affect...
5 Ways to Overcome Burnout 5 Ways To Overcome Burnout As we come upon a three-day weekend, this is a great time take a break and to reflect on the impact of the last year on ourselves and our teams. Take a few minutes to assess where you and your team stand and the...
ARE YOU RETAINING YOUR TALENT? ARE YOU RETAINING YOUR TALENT? My conversation with a leader yesterday went like this: Our #1 struggle is hiring and keeping talent. It is hard to find people who want to work and then when we hire them, they often quit. Our business is...
What Are Realistic Goals for 2021? What are realistic goals for 2021? With 2020 being a year of incredible change, we may be starting 2021 with some apprehension. I recently had a leader ask, “how do I help my employees set challenging yet achievable goals”? How will...