Leadership Development

Hiring Skills: Behavioral Selection Interviewing

This course will give you the hiring skills you need to get past “typical” interview responses and collect valuable information for more accurate decision making and better hiring.  Making the right hiring decision is increasingly important today. When our hiring skills need improving, we fail to accurately assess a candidate, and we may not make the best hiring decision.  The costs of a wrong hiring decision can be tremendous, and the impact on you and your business can be significant.

Today’s reality is that candidates are well-versed in selling themselves in an interview situation.  This makes it even more difficult to assess their true talent and fit with your company.  The Behavioral Selection Interviewing Program will improve your hiring skills by providing an approach to interviewing that gets past “typical” interview responses, provides valuable information for more accurate decision making, and leads to better hiring.

Course Objectives

  • Learn to establish selection criteria based on analyzing outstanding performance in order to determine competencies for the position. Develop interview questions using selection criteria.
  • Understand the difference in what you learn from asking “typical interview questions” and probing or behavioral questions.
  • Develop hiring skills in asking behavioral questions including setting up the question as well as asking good follow-up/probing questions.
  • Participate in practice sessions using probing questions to assess competency areas for candidates.
  • Use a decision-making matrix to use behavioral data for candidate evaluation.
  • Review basic legal guidelines relating to interviewing.
  • Participants will receive a hiring skills workbook including an interview guide and appendix of over 30 excellent behavioral questions.

Benefits for the Individual 

  • A systematic approach to handling a hiring interview process
  • Guidelines for effective questions to maximize time and information gained
  • Improved hiring skills lead to increased confidence in making selection decisions
  • Reduced time to prepare for and conduct interviews

Benefits for the Organization

  • Establishment of a standard interview process to insure you are meeting legal guidelines
  • A well-organized process impresses applicants and leads to better recruiting
  • Bottom line – better hiring skills lead to better decisions which affect quality, teamwork, and turnover in every organization!

Who Should Attend?

Supervisors, Managers, Team Leaders and anyone involved in making hiring decisions can benefit from this course.


Half Day (4 hours)

The Connection Blueprint

?Effective leaders connect with their employees. One of the most effective tools for establishing these connections and building productive work relationships is the one-on-one meeting, yet this time is rarely used effectively.  

The Connection Blueprint is a valuable guide to making the most of every meeting. 

Learn more



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Nodus President Debbie Waggoner
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